libgphoto2 photo camera library (libgphoto2) API
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 template.cDocumented source code template for a camera driver (camlib)
 gphoto2-abilities-list.hList of supported camera models including their abilities
 gphoto2-camera.hImplement Camera object representing a camera attached to the system
 gphoto2-context.hContext callback operation functions
 gphoto2-file.hAbstracted gphoto2 file operations
 gphoto2-filesys.hFilesystem related operations and declarations
 gphoto2-library.hCamery driver header
 gphoto2.hConvenience header for gphoto2
 ahd_bayer.cAdaptive Homogeneity-Directed Bayer array conversion routine
 bayer.cBayer array conversion routines
 exif.cEXIF file library for GPHOTO package
 gphoto2-abilities-list.cList of supported camera models including their abilities